News Archive
Happy New Year! And See You in 2024
Happy New Year to everyone! 2023 was a tough year, both private and project-wise, but 2024 will see some data collections being finished; and we are preparing for the public launch of WeSIS - so check back regularly!
Posted: 2024-01-05
Success - CRC Funding Renewed
After a successful review in September, the Collaborative Research Center 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" got a renewed funding of the German Research Foundation for another four years. We will continue as an infrastructure project providing basic resources for the CRC, further develop WeSIS, and carry on the data collection on political parties around the globe!
Posted: 2021-12-02
Out now - V-Party Item Validation Paper
Our V-Party party organizational item validation article is finally available as "Online first" at Electoral Studies. And it is "Open access"!
Posted: 2021-12-02
V-Party Item Validation Forthcoming in Electoral Studies
An updated version of our V-Dem Working Paper on V-Party's party organizational items got accepted for publication in Electoral Studies.
Posted: 2021-11-07
V-Dem Working Paper on Party Organizations
We just finished a new V-Dem Working Paper validating the face, criterion and construct validity of V-Party's party organizational items. Given the high validity, V-Party for the first time facilitates analyses of the causes and effects of party organizations on a global scale!
Posted: 2021-06-29
Data Collection on Leaders Global Finished
Together with Holger Döring and Paul Bederke, we released Leaders Global, a dataset on Head of States (HoS) and Head of Governments (HoG) and their party affiliation covering 183 countries since 1880 at the Harvard Dataverse. Leaders Global will be included as V-Dem's HoS and HoG party affiliation variables in the upcoming v11 release.
Posted: 2021-03-08
Out now - Article on Party Policy Diffusion
"The ties that bind: Text similarities and the conditional diffusion of party policies" is finally available as "Online first" at the British Journal of Political Science. And it is "Open access"!
Posted: 2021-01-21
Out now - V-Party!
It's been a tough project but definitely worth it: V-Party is now publicly available at V-Dem's homepage! And its launch featured prominently on The Guardian and CNN with key findings about the GOP...
Posted: 2020-10-27
Data Collection on Elections Global Finished
Elections Global - the "raw" data that served as the base for V-Party - is now available at Harvard Dataverse. It covers some smaller countries beyond V-Dem's scope and may therefore be of interest as well.
Posted: 2020-03-03
Article on Party Policy Diffusion and Text Similarity Accepted
Our paper "The ties that bind. Text similarities and the conditional diffusion of party policies" - together with Martin Rachuj - has been accepted for publication in the British Journal of Political Science! We will release the replication material and additional material beyond the Online Appendix soon.
Posted: 2020-08-17
Research Stay @ V-Dem
From mid-August to mid-September I was visiting the V-Dem Institute in Gothenburg to push our collaboration for the new expert survey on political parties. The survey will run in January and we expect first results in late spring 2020.
Posted: 2019-10-15