Welcome to my site.
Currently, I am working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the CRC/SFB 1342: "Global Dynamics of Social Policies" (Project INF) at the University of Bremen. Within the CRC I am involved in developing WeSIS - the interactive, web-based Welfare State Information System on global dynamics of social policy. In addition, we support the CRC researchers in terms of research data management. I hold a doctoral degree in Political Science from the University of Greifswald.
My research focuses on political parties, party ideology and party policy diffusion. More specifically, I am interested in ideological change of parties, its causes and consequences. For this reason, I am also looking at new ways of measuring "party ideology", in extending current databases on parties and in overcoming the "Western bias" still prevalent in party research. Methodologically, I am firmly rooted in comparative politics and macro-comparative analyses.
If you have any question regarding my work or the data collections, do not hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to your message!

Recent News
Out now - Article on Party Policy Diffusion in AJPS
Almost three years of work, but still worth it: shortly before Christmas our article "Xs we share: Context similarity, culture, and the diffusion of populism" together with Nina Wiesehomeier and Saskia-Ruth-Lovell was published as "Early View" at the American Journal of Political Science. And it is "Open access"!
Posted: 2025-01-09
Happy New Year! And See You in 2025
Happy New Year to everyone! 2024 was tougher than expected with some ups and downs, both private and project-wise. 2024 still had a nice ending with seeing polar lights in Norway on New Year's Eve... 2025 will see some updates to the data I've been working on and new collections being finished, a hopefully successfull third application round, and a "promo tour" for WeSIS.
Posted: 2025-01-09
Updated PIP Datasets Released
I am happy to announce that updated versions of the PIP (Parties - Institutions - Preferences) datasets are now available at the Harvard Dataverse. Beyond the main dataset, you will find a dataset with ready-made government and EU positions. Above all, the "ASPM framework" is now publicly available which allows for tweaking and modifying the Agenda Setting Power Model to fit your own needs!
Posted: 2022-08-08
About My Work
Data Collections
Throughout the years I have been involved in several larger data collection efforts, among others CWED2 and PIP (Parties - Institutions - Preferences). I collaborate with Holger Döring on Party Facts and we teamed up with V-Dem to conduct V-Party - an expert survey on political parties.
Here you will find a list of publications - from work-in-progress to forthcoming...
I have been teaching a range of classes at the graduate and undergraduate level - from introductions to political science to methods courses or classes on research design.