Data Collections

Throughout the years I have been involved in the planning, conceptualization, collection, and documentation of larger datasets with a focus on macro-comparative politics. Below you will find more information about each collection. Please send any data-related questions to


ParIS: Leaders Global V-Dem 11

V-Dem Dataset: 10.23696/vdemds21 (V-Dem Homepage)
Leaders Global: 10.7910/DVN/Z6V1ST (Harvard Dataverse)

About: Complementing Elections Global, the second major data collection together with Holger Döring and Paul Bederke within the CRC 1342's framework focuses on the party affiliation of the Head of States and Head of Governments. Relying once again on the harmonized party names and IDs of Party Facts this information can then easily be combined with data on ideological positions of "their" parties - for example V-Party. The data is available as v1 in the Harvard Dataverse and is included in the V-Dem main dataset as of v11 (published in spring 2021).


ParIS: Elections Global V-Party

V-Party Dataset: 10.23696/vpartydsv1 (V-Dem Homepage)
Elections Global: 10.7910/DVN/OGOURC (Harvard Dataverse)

About: In line with the CRC 1342's scope to analyze the dynamics of global social policies, I started to collect data related to partisan politics. To this end, I joined forces with Holger Döring - well known for ParlGov - at the University of Bremen. Together, we compiled a dataset with election results to "lower" chambers for more than 200 countries from 1880 to 2015 covering more than 3.500 elections and 3.100 parties. What is more, we harmonized party names and IDs with Party Facts to enhance the cross-comparability of data on political parties. In addition, we started to collaborate with Anna Lührmann and the V-Dem team in Gothenburg. Elections Global thereby served as the base to build V-Party. Based on the factual data, a new expert survey on various aspects of party ideology and organizations was set up and conducted in early 2020. The dataset is publicly available at V-Dem's homepage.

Related publication(s):

  • Düpont, Nils, Yaman B. Kavasoglu, Anna Lührmann, and Ora J. Reuter. 2022. "A global perspective on party organizations. Validating the Varieties of Party Identity and Organization Dataset (V-Party)." Electoral Studies 75: Online first. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102423 (Additional material can be found in the Dataverse)
  • Düpont, Nils, Berker Kavasoglu, Anna Lührmann, and Ora J. Reuter. 2021. Party Organizations Around the Globe: Introducing the Varieties of Party Identity and Organization Dataset (V-Party). Working Paper 2021:124. University of Gothenburg, Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem). Download PDF External Link


PIP - Parties, Institutions, and Preferences

PIP Datasets: PIP Dataverse (Harvard Dataverse)

About: The PIP dataset compiles information about parties, governments, 1st & 2nd chambers and presidents and combines them with ideological data about parties (e.g. left-right positions). In addition, various aspects of the European Union (EU) are covered as well, e.g. the composition of the European Parliament and the Commission. The dataset covers 36 countries from 1944 to 2020. It comes in the shape of a time-series-cross-section file with parties nested in countries on a quarterly (!) base. This unique combination allows for estimating the policy positions of various actors. The dataset formed the base for the Agenda Setting Power Model (ASPM) proposed by Jahn (2016) in "The Politics of Environmental Performance. Institutions and Preferences in Industrialized Democracies". In addition, we extensively tracked parties, alliances and name changes in order to create consistent "ideological" time-series. This way, the dataset lends itself also suitable for analyses of party politics. Beyond the actual main dataset, the Dataverse also contains ready-made government and EU positions, and (finally) makes the "ASPM framework" public which allows for tweaking the ASPM to one's own needs.

Related publication(s):

  • Düpont, Nils. 2017. (Ir)Rational Choices? The Impact of Learning on Party Policy Moves. Dissertation. University of Greifswald. Download PDF
  • Jahn, Detlef, Nils Düpont, and Martin Rachuj. 2017. Left-Right Party Ideology in 36 OECD Countries. Greifswald Comparative Politics - Working Paper Series, WP 10. University of Greifswald. Download PDF External Link
  • Jahn, Detlef, and Nils Düpont. 2015. Estimating the Position of the European Union. A Tool for Macro-Quantitative Studies. KFG Working Paper Series 65. Free University, Berlin. Download PDF External Link



New project site:
Old project site:

About: The Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset (CWED) contains information about the structure and generosity of social insurance benefits (unemployment, sickness, minimum and standard pensions) in 33 countries around the world. In collaboration with Lyle Scruggs we released an updated version of CWED 2 in September 2017 containing a total of eight household types. CWED 2 thereby extended Lyle's first dataset which was available since 2004. More specifically, we collected data on taxes, wages, social security contributions, qualifying criteria, and social rights in order to estimate the probably better known "replacement rates", i.e. the ratio of net social insurance benefits in a scheme to the net wage before the loss of income. CWED 2 data have appeared in a vast amount of peer-reviewed journal articles, and foremost in macro-comparative, large-N studies.

Related publication(s):

  • Jahn, Detlef, Kati Kuitto, Nils Düpont, and Sebastian Stephan. 2014. Uneven Responsiveness to Diffusion Effects? Regional Patterns of Unemployment Policy Diffusion in Western and Eastern Europe? CWED Working Paper Series, WP 02. University of Connecticut/University of Greifswald. Download PDF External Link
  • Kuitto, Kati, Detlef Jahn, and Nils Düpont. 2012. Welfare Policy Institutions in the Enlarged EU – Convergence, Divergence or Persistence? Greifswald Comparative Politics - Working Paper Series, WP 01. University of Greifswald. Download PDF External Link